Curriculum Vitae

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Hans Christian van Nijkerk
Born: 01.03.1982 (Amsterdam, NL)
Works and lives in Stavanger (NO)
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (+47) 92446715
Native Languages: Norwegian (Bokmål), Dutch, English
2009-2012 Tromsø Academy of Contemporary Art, Bachelor degree in Contemporary Art (NO)
2007-2009 Kunstskolen i Bergen (KiB), 2 year Vocational Art School (NO)
2004 Art History 101-104 (1 year), University of Bergen (NO)
2001-2003 Journalism, 2 years at MI in Bergen (NO) (Now called Høyskolen Kristiania)
2000-2001 Fana Folkehøyskole – Media (NO)
1998-2000 Secondary School, Helen Parkhurst College in Almere (NL)
1993-1998 Private lessons by artist Agmon van Veen in Almere (NL)
1991-1993 Art course at CKV (Center for Art and Design), Almere (NL)
Current projects:
HC & Håvard: MetaTube Youtube videos - satirical video/sound collaboration with Håvard Henriksen.
«#influenced»: photo series.
Solo shows:
2019 «Dinner Party» with Hiroko Tsuchimoto. Contemporary Art Centre of Montenegro, Podgorica (ME).
2018 «Ledet av nysgjerrighet» (led by curiosity) with Cornelia Glitsch at BLOKK, Bergen.
2014 «When the light began fading, I wandered home» with Cornelia Glitsch at BLOKK, Bergen.
«Winners of Loss» - Galleri Blunk, Trondheim.
2013 «To perform is to achieve» - Small Projects, Tromsø.
Group Exhibitions:
2022 Performance and video festival «Re-Connect Art» in Prague (CZ), the fifth edition of the Prague Biennale Projekt.
«BLOKK 10 ÅR - Jubileumsutstilling» - 10 year anniversary exhibition for studio collective BLOKK. Visningsrommet USF in Bergen.
2020 «Fra balkongen - et blikk på den regionale kunstscenen». Stavanger kunstmuseum.
«SPILL YER TEA # 4»: Online experimental live performance art event, presented by DRIP (Liverpool – UK).
2018 Cinema B-OPEN video program at BLOKK and Kunstgarasjen in Bergen.
Exhibition with BLOKK at Galleri Langegården in Bergen.
2016 Cinema B- Open video program at Bergen Kunsthall. Curated by Apichaya Wanthiang.
2015 Exhibition with artists from BLOKK at Galleri Puls in Norheimsund.
Rokkansenteret (University of Bergen) exhibition with artists from BLOKK.
2014 Cinema B-Open video program at Festplassen during Culture Night. Curated by Jeremy Welsh.
2013 «Melancholy Lover of a Vanished Space». Curated by Jet Pascua and Tanya Busse from Small Projects. Silverlens Gillman Barracks, Singapore (SG).
«BLOKK RELAY»: Gruppearbeid. Exhibition with Håkon Holm-Olsen and Mattias Arvastsson. At BLOKK – Bergen.
2012 BA-graduation exhibition «I AM HOT FOREVER // I AM NOT FOREVER», Tromsø Kunstforening.
2011 «As Time Goes By...» at NNKS (Nordnorsk Kunstner Senter), Svolvær.
«Ut i min hage – no. 19», Festspillene i Nord-Norge, Harstad. Curated by Ingeborg Annie Lindahl.
2010 «Take Me Home», semester exhibition at Kurant Exhibition Space, Tromsø.
2019 PAB OPEN 2019 - Official festival folder. Layout and design. (NO)
Nida Art Colony Log on Lines & Rituals (LT)
2017 »Jorunn Veiteberg – Kunstnardrivne Visningsrom – Årestader for ny kunst» Book about artist-run galleries in Norway. (NO)
2015 »First Move – Performance Art Bergen 2011-2015» (NO)
2012 »Kysten 95». A presentation of the artists at Troms Fylkeskultursenter. (NO)
2011 2 poetry slam texts published in literature journal «Kuiper – Nord. Et rugeanlegg (no.2)» (NO)
Contribution to Mondo Tromsø: Mondo Tromsø Calling – released on October 6th. (NO)
2010 Contribution to the publication of the exhibition Read Me at Kurant Exhibition Space, Tromsø. (NO)
2022 «PAB Lokal - performance protocols Nordic Sessions # 4: Bergen» - #influenced performance at Skomakerdiket.
Curated by Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen.
2021 «Together Elsewhere» Livestream performance with Ursula Scherrer. A collaboration between PAB, PANCH and Mediathek FHNW, Basel (CH).
Curated by Pavana Reid.
«IMAGINE» - PAB Open Session in front of Mareminehullet in Bergen.
PAS Open Session next to Lille Stokkavannet and on Langøy in / near Stavanger.
«Artistic exploration: now within the comfort of your own home!» Performance for video for the March equinox event.
2020 «#naturesartwork – A short introduction to Norwegian instagram posing in nature». Performance at Finsecamp 2020, a network meeting between Performance Art Bergen and Performance Art Oslo.
Slim Kerk concert performance: Stuck i Stuen vol. 1 & 2 - Livestream
Kerk + Katerli, music performance with Ljubov Katerli at Bergen Public Library.
2019 «Dinner Party» Performance with Hiroko Tsuchimoto, December 12. Contemporary Art Centre of Montenegro, Podgorica.
Kerk + Katerli, music performance with Ljubov Katerli at Bergen Art Book Fair at Landmark, Bergen.
«Moving Home», performance inspired by Ed D’Souza’s Migrant Car. Hosted by Kunsthall 3,14 (Bergen). osloBIENNALEN First Edition.
Residence and Networking meeting, Madrid, Spain between Acción!MAD and Performance Art Bergen.
«Toastmaster» Performance at Carbon Reflections seminar, PAB OPEN festival at hotel Terminus, Bergen.
Dhaka Live Art Biennale, Bangladesh. Performance with Hiroko Tsuchimoto.
2018 «Don't talk, just act. Don't say, just show. Don't promise, just prove.» Performance with Hiroko Tsuchimoto at Small Projects Gallery, Tromsø. «Trace the Lines» - Group Performance with artist group SINTOS at Torgallmenningen in Bergen.
«Expressive Herd» – Performance at Sommerøya Electronic Music Festival in Oslo.
«Beware!» - Open Studio performance / presentation with Hiroko Tsuchimoto at Nida Art Colony (LT).
«Dinner Party!» Performance with Hiroko Tsuchimoto at Nida Art Colony (LT).
2017 «The Pleasure of Your Company is Required» - performance with Hiroko Tsuchimoto at Landmark, Bergen (NO)
Slim Kerk concert performance at Bergen Art Book Fair at Landmark, Bergen (NO).
«Public Display Of Emotion», PAB OPEN in Vaskerelven, Bergen.
Sounding/Political - «Norwegian Values» - PAB Open Session in front of Kode 1, Bergen (NO).
«Catherine the Great and the shaman», by Amelia Hawk, Arctic Hysteria at USF, Bergen. Curated by LOCUS.
Slim Kerk concert performance at B-OPEN opening party at Østre, Bergen.
»YOU CAN (NOT) DO IT (ALONE)» with Hiroko Tsuchimoto at Fylkingen, Stockholm (SE)
2016: Bergen International Performance Festival 2016: Soundpainting with BIT20 Ensemble, Strings & Timpani and Performance Art Bergen.
International Performance Art Giswil festival (CH)
«Sintorama» in Telgte, Ostbevern, Münster, Soest (DE) with artist group SINTOS.
Performance with PAB-members at Kunsthall 3,14.
2015 «Test For Success» at PAB OPEN in the old jail building by Bergen City Hall.
PAB Open Session at Festplassen, Bergen.
«The Active Audience» at Bergen Kunsthall / Landmark.
«The Public Vs The Performer» at the reFORMAT Vilnius festival (LT). Curated by Marija Griniuk.
«Visit Bergen» and «REW / REW – Rimi UKU» at HANSEartWORKS in Viljandi (EE).
2014 Lecture / Performance at Open Forum, Kunstnernes Hus – Oslo. Curated by Amelia Hawk.
«The Public Vs The Performer», group exercise outside of Blunk gallery and inside Ramp Pub, Trondheim.
«Dancing with dingledodies: music of the beat generation» Spoken Word Jazz concert with musicians P.Asbjørnsen, T.Husø, A. Langesæter, R. Berntsen & S. Veland. Teglverket, Kvarteret.
2013 «To Perform Is To Achieve» at PAB OPEN in the old jail building by Bergen City Hall.
«Art Fans Commentary» at Prøverommet - Frantz : Navle | Trykk : TrykK, Bergen.
«Art Fans Commentary» at the exhibition «Kurant 4 1/2 år». Curated by Kristin Tårnes. Kurant Exhibition Space, Tromsø.
«HomeMade», by Haugen Productions. «I remember...» co-created by and performed together with visual artist Aslaug Juliussen during the Vårscenefest Performing Arts Festival in Tromsø.
«Art Fans Commentary» at the regional meeting for the Norwegian Visual Artists Association in Tromsø.
«To perform is to achieve» Training program / sports lecture and video screening at Small Projects in Tromsø.
2012 «No Place Rising» with Emilija Skarnulyte, Tromsø Academy of Contemporary Art. Livestream to Careof Docva, Milano (IT).
«To perform is to achieve» / «Heia den som vinner» - Performance Night at Kvarteret. Organized by the Bergen Student Society.
Poetry slam recital at Literature Festival «Det Vilde Ord» in Bodø.
«Selvportrett / Self portrait / Zelfportret» Interval training program with audience at BA-show opening of «I AM HOT FOREVER // I AM NOT FOREVER», Tromsø Center for Contemporary Art.
Auctioneer at «Planka #2», Kurant Exhibition Space, Tromsø. Curated by Helga-Marie Nordby.
«The bystander problem / Tilskuerproblemet»: Performed incognito – invisible theatre – at the February Seminar, University of Tromsø.
2011 «Reversible: Giftshop Performance» at NNKS (Northern Norway Center for Contemporary Art) – Svolvær.
Competed in the national Poetry Slam finals in Oslo.
Poetry Slam regional finals – 1st place Ordkalotten Literature Festival at Cafe Sånn - Tromsø.
2010 Performance at the exhibition «Read Me», Kurant Exhibition Space – Tromsø.
Performance during KELA, at the Nerstranda shopping mall – Tromsø.
Poetry slam competition 1st place, literature journal Kuiper launch at Verdensteatret – Tromsø.
«Off-Line Life» at «Take Me Home» semester exhibition, Kurant Exhibition Space – Tromsø.
2009 «Delay / Decay» – site-specific performance and installation in a former dental practice. Kunstskolen i Bergen graduation exhibition.
Organizer / Curator:
2021 Curating and organizing PAB LOKAL - «Opening Up / Closing In» with Anne-Marte Eidseth Rygh, Rogaland Kunstsenter, Stavanger.
2019 Organizing team behind the international performance art festival PAB OPEN in Bergen.
2017 Organizing «Discomfort» performance workshop with Hiroko Tsuchimoto - 1 day workshop in Bergen.
Organizing team behind the international performance art festival PAB OPEN in Bergen.
«Discomfort» performance workshop with Hiroko Tsuchimoto - 3 day workshop with public performance event at Fylkingen, Stockholm (SE).
2016 Curating and organizing of PAB LOKALT at Galleri 3,14 and the Leprosy Museum with Anette Friedrich Johannessen in Bergen.
Curatorial and organizing team behind performance night (BLOKK) in Torvsalen, Old Bergen Museum.
2014-2019 Curatorial and organizing team behind BLOKK's exhibition program.
2021- Electoral committee of Performance Art Bergen.
2021-2022 Board member of Performance Art Stavanger.
2014-2019 Board member of BLOKK studio collective and exhibition space.
2010 Student representative in the admissions committee, Tromsø Academy of Contemporary Art.
Member of:
2021-2022 Performance Art Stavanger
2015- Gramo
2013-2019 BLOKK studio collective
2012-2013 Troms Fylkeskultursenter «Kysten»
2013- Norske Billedkunstnere and UKS
2013- Performance Art Bergen
2012- TONO
Grants / support:
2018 Arts Council Norway – «Diversestipend» artist grant
2017 & 2016 1 Year working grant - Billedkunstneres Vederlagsfond.
2013 Arts Council Norway - grant for newly graduated artists
2011 Project grant from Intro Talent for the project «Reality 2.0.»
2019 Residency and network meeting, Madrid (ES) between Acción!MAD and Performance Art Bergen.
2018 Parchim (DE) with artist group SINTOS.
Nida Art Colony (LT). Performance collaboration with Hiroko Tsuchimoto.
2017 C.OFF mini-residency (Stockholm, SE ). Performance collaboration with Hiroko Tsuchimoto.
Nordiska Gästateljén at Malongen (Stockholm, SE). Performance collaboration with Hiroko Tsuchimoto.
Teaching / other:
2021- Museum host / tour guide, Museum Stavanger.
2022- Drawing teacher, Aftenskolen.
2022 Tour guide for Stavanger and Haugesund, Norwegian, English and Dutch, GuideCompaniet.
2021 Performance / video workshop at Barnas Kunstklubb, Kunsthall Stavanger.
2020 Artist Presentation, Kunstskolen i Rogaland
2019-2022 Tutoring for art student
2018-2022 Performance art course, Bergen School of Architecture.
2018 Technical assistant during B-OPEN.
2017 Artist Presentation, Kunstskolen i Bergen.
2015-2021 Drawing teacher, Folkeuniversitetet.
2015-2019 Actor, Living History at the Old Bergen Museum.
2013 Artist Assistant, Bergen Assembly Triennal.
Artist Presentation, Kunstskolen i Bergen.
Filming / Editing of Sigalit Landau's artist talk for «Olives», Tromsø Center for Contemporary Art.
2012 Artist Presentation, Kunstskolen i Bergen.
Filming / Editing of Sigmund Skard's performance at «Fail Again, Fail Better opening», Tromsø Center for Contemporary Art.
Music Videos:
2016 «Slim Kerk – På Trening.» Director: Ken Robert Haltvik. Producer: Sunstone Film & Animation.
2011 «Swankmajer - Infatuation.» Director: Ken Sivertsen.
2007 «Slim Kerk & DJ Little Otik - Barnevakten». Director: Christian «Termodress» Bøen. Public screening at Podium (Oslo) on March 29th.
2006 «Slim Kerk & DJ Little Otik - Altavista». Director: Christian «Termodress» Bøen. Public screning at Prøverommet (Bergen, Norway) on May 20th.
Music Releases:
2017 Digital release of the Slim Kerk EP «Lekker Zacht» on Filibuster Records
2016 Digital release of the Slim Kerk EP «Work Out» on Filibuster Records
2014 Digital release of the Visekongene album «Samnanger».
2010 Digital release of the Swankmajer EP «Virtual» (on i-Tunes, Spotify ++) in addition to a limited CD-R release.
2008 Digital release of the Slim Kerk & DJ Little Otik concept album «WWW» in addition to a limited CD-R release.
2007 Composed music for the Dokument Vest Pilot – a satirical news program produced by Øystein Sundland, Einar Sleire and Anders McAuley.
Slim Kerk Live:
2020 Stuck i Stuen vol. 2 - Livestream - April 18.
Stuck i Stuen vol. 1 - Livestream - March 21.
2019 Bergen Art Book Fair at Landmark, Bergen (NO) - November 15.
Concert performance at BLOKK, B-OPEN, April 27.
2018 Bergen Art Book Fair at Landmark, Bergen (NO) - November 2.
2017 Bergen Art Book Fair at Landmark, Bergen (NO) - October 19.
B-OPEN opening party at Østre, Bergen, April 21st.
2016 Concert at Landmark – Bergen, August 18th.
Release concert for Work Out EP at Chagall – Bergen, February 26th.
2014 Kvarteret Helhus feat. VJ Termodress – Bergen, January 25th.
Espen Justdal's "Apokalypse Natt" (Apocalypse Night) at Akers Mek – Oslo, January 17th.
2013 METEOR 2013: Prøverommet Festival Lounge, Verftet USF – Bergen, October 18th.
Insomnia House Party Extravaganza at Rådstua - Vårscenefest Festival – Tromsø, May 4th.
Cafe Sånn – Skittentind Rando Afterski Party – Tromsø, April 20th.
FEEDBACK, Tvibit, Tromsø, April 17th.
2012 Præstengbrygga, Kabelvåg, May 05th.
Melbu Electronica Festival, Nye Røkeriet, Melbu, May 04th.
Slim Kerk feat. Marita Isobel Solberg (Mara and the Inner Strangeness), at Sivertsens Kafé, Performing Arts Festival Vårscenefest, Tromsø.
2011 Cafe Sånn – Skittentind Rando Afterski Party – Tromsø, April 30th.
2010 Hotdog Culture Kiosk – Tromsø, December 10th.
Undervekst (Teaterkafeen, Hålogaland Theatre – Tromsø, May 16th)
2009 Hotdog Culture Kiosk – Tromsø, December 4th.